Opinions sobre Lugaris Apartments

Opinions sobre Lugaris

Què demaneu als apartaments de luxe de Lugaris? Un personal professional, eficient i atent, capaç de satisfer les demandes dels nostres clients; una ubicació ideal al passeig marítim de Barcelona, ​​una decoració moderna i impecable, habitacions ben equipades… Aquells que trien els nostres apartaments tenen l’oportunitat d’allotjar-se a l’emblemàtic barri del Poblenou, al costat de la platja de Barcelona. No obstant això, no volem que us limiteu a llegir la nostra opinió: doneu una ullada als comentaris dels nostres hostes i descobriu com valoren la seva estada a Lugaris.

Fabian Hagenius Avatar

Great affordable apartments in good condition.

No complaints really. Staff was very friendly and helpful.

Fabian Hagenius 25/09/23
Ilko Valchev Avatar

The room was very nice. It had everything and it was very comfortable. There was a slight problem with the bathtub, but it didn't cause us any issues. The hotel staff were vey nice, helpful and were readily available if we needed them. The location is right next to the... read more

Ilko Valchev 26/02/24
Hanna Paschyna Avatar

Great apartment with convenient location, well adapted for travelling with family or friends.

It was extremely clean, well equipped with everything necessary starting with coffee machine and finishing with laundry with dryer.

Regarding location, it was extremely convenient to find a nice place for the dinner, since the whole street is staffed... read more

Hanna Paschyna 11/03/24
Tatiana Apraksina Avatar

The view from the apartment is just amazing. The apartment is spacious (we’ve got a free upgrade and were really grateful 🫶🏻), clean and well-equipped. The area is full of different restaurants and cafes, beach is just across the road, the same time public transport is around the corner -... read more

Tatiana Apraksina 11/02/24
Alessandro Marchini Avatar

Excellent option. Very clean and well managed. Have in mind there is no “service” in case of short stay, it is not like hotel service, but it a great option anyway. Big rooms. Well located. Less then 10 minutes walk from metro station.

Alessandro Marchini 20/09/23
Jing Xu Avatar

Great room! The light shields are awesome!! We had really nice and sound rest, also because it’s quite.

The location is 5 mins from beach, close to H16 bus, but far from metro.

If you come from airport, I will recommend 46 bus - H16 bus from T1, most convenient and also... read more

Jing Xu 14/09/23
Dalton Hendrix Avatar

We loved our time here. Great location with the Rambla at your doorstep. Very responsive management. Affordable prices. Some elements may not be up to standard for American guests, including a noisy and inefficient washer/dryer, slow and small water heater, and outdated television. But for a place near the beach... read more

Dalton Hendrix 16/03/24
Dasan Jung Avatar

We had an amazing time here! Great and friendly service from staff members and everything was clean and easy to use! Commuting was super easy via bus and train. The night walk along the beach and also plenty of options to shop groceries, and to dine-in were awesome! Thank you... read more

Dasan Jung 21/02/24
Clare Lowrie Avatar

We stayed in a family apartment as a family of five adults. It was bright, clean, spacious and big enough for all of us. I loved being able to open the windows and let the fresh air in. The staff were lovely and really helpful. The location was perfect, opposite... read more

Clare Lowrie 26/09/23
Doreen Merkel Avatar

We really loved this modern, newly remodeled apartment steps away from the beach. It was clean and spacious and within walking distance of the metro. The kitchen was so nice and well equipped. We also loved having a washing machine. There were lots of cafes and restaurants on the... read more

Doreen Merkel 31/12/23
Mark Evans Avatar

The reception staff were very responsive during our trip and resolved any queries we had straight away. The idea of having a direct WhatsApp to reception was excellent. We were able to arrange for a high chair and plug for the bath without any fuss. An engineer was also quick... read more

Mark Evans 05/05/24
Andrea Starr Avatar

Amazing!! The Apartment was fantastic, well equipped, clean, comfortable and had all the little luxuries too! Great location on the Rambla with all the cafes, shops etc and also near the beach. Poblenou is a great location to stay. All the staff were friendly and helpful too!

Andrea Starr 14/04/24
Romola Sanyal Avatar

Good spot for families with kids. Right across from a lovely beach and playground that are easily accessible. Lovely part of town. The metro is very close and the rambla de elpoblenou is a stone's throw away with some fantastic restaurants.

Hotel room is good for 2 but a bit tight... read more

Romola Sanyal 14/04/24
Irenka Z Avatar

Fantastic apartments. We weren’t disappointed. From the check in to check out was excellent. Location is great if you’re staying away from the hustle and bustle of Barcelona center. Great restaurants and stores around. Everything is clean, working and has full kitchen, just as we wished. On site parking for... read more

Irenka Z 05/02/24
Anton Avatar

Lugaris Beach Apartamento Family Ubicado a tiro de piedra de las soleadas costas de Barcelona, Lugaris Beach - Barcelona Beach Apartments presenta una propuesta intrigante para aquellos que buscan la serenidad junto al mar junto con las comodidades de la vida urbana. Este no es un alojamiento cualquiera; es una clase magistral de eficiencia... read more

Anton 21/03/24

Les seves opinions són fonamentals per a nosaltres, ja que ens permeten millorar dia a dia i continuar oferint-vos tot allò que us cal durant les teves vacances a Barcelona. Tot seguit, trobareu les ressenyes dels nostres apartaments Lugaris Beach i Lugaris Rambla. L’alta puntuació que rebem dels nostres hostes ens anima a continuar donant el bo i millor de nosaltres mateixos, i a fer que el millor moment de l’any sigui encara més especial per a vosaltres.

La nostra prioritat és la satisfacció dels nostres clients. Volem que torneu a casa relaxats i feliços després de la vostra estada a Barcelona, ​​i somiant amb unes noves vacances a Lugaris. Tant si esteu satisfets amb els nostres serveis com si, malgrat tot, considereu que hi ha alguna cosa que no us ha acabat de fer el pes, ens agradaria conèixer la vostra opinió per a continuar millorant i oferir-vos un servei encara més acurat. Tot seguit, trobareu els comentaris dels nostres hostes.

Si encara no sabeu on allotjar-vos, les opinions d’altres viatgers que ja han gaudit de Lugaris us acabaran de convèncer. Els nostres espaiosos i acollidors pisos a la capital catalana són un dels millors apartaments a Barcelona, ​​i són recomanats per aquells usuaris que ja s’hi han allotjat. Llegiu els comentaris i opinions dels nostres apartaments al Poblenou!

Ens sentim ben orgullosos tant de les instal·lacions com dels nostres serveis. Una sensació recolzada per les valoracions que reben els nostres apartaments amb piscina a Barcelona. Per a mantenir-ne la qualitat, i fins i tot incrementar-la, el vostre punt de vista és fonamental.

Els nostres clients hi estan d’acord: allotjar-se en els apartaments de Lugaris és una experiència diferent, però que us proporcionarà un confort igual o superior al de qualsevol hotel de Barcelona.

Lugaris posa al vostre abast una experiència de vacances perfecta. Des d’un servei immillorable fins a magnífiques habitacions i unes vistes al mar impressionants. Així, volem superar les vostres expectatives més exigents. Consulteu què diuen de nosaltres i per què altres viatgers van triar els apartaments Lugaris per a unes vacances en família o un cap de setmana romàntic a Barcelona.

Moltes gràcies per fer-nos confiança!



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